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I for some reason can only pick up others' blocks but not place them back down. Help???


Oh nevermind I didn't know the place I was trying to put the blocks was too low to be allowed. That should be shown imo

Deleted 1 year ago

thats how jumping works :P

You can double-jump. But yeah, that part is trickier than the rest of the game because it can't be edited.


a cute little game that’s surprisingly playable despite anyone being able to edit the map, very nice

I beat the entire game not knowing you could double jump... wow


No, seriously. I had no idea how to double jump so I made it easier for people who also didn't know you could double jump... would've been so much easier if I knew.


No u are just singlehandedly popularizing adding challenges to the game on the first playthough, very proud


no wonder I had so much trouble, since my first run was technically a challenge run, but the only real place I had major major issues with was the last stage since there was a platform with a one block gap where a single jump is needed for a very precise moment, I got so mad I moved the block.


Fun :)

I rage quit at the snow stage.


The neat part about this game is that i have no idea what snow part you're talking about


i put an ice block right under the ladder in the snow section :3

Esta bastante entretenido, se volvió fácil con el doble salto

(1 edit) (+2)

i am bad edit: im getting better but that dawg do got some drip


This game is so much fun, I keep logging back in and seeing if I can run the current states of the levels even faster than the last. My best time so far is a 4:20.91, I'll see if I can get it even better today haha!


3:48.04! Easily the best part of trying to speedrun this game is having to work on the fly when somebody moved something in the way of your route in between your runs haha, makes it so much more fun to run than most games of this type

interesting, game have a speedruns

I love it!!! 

can i download this as html?


Funny lil game with a cute lil artstyle and a funny lil character!


took me like 30 minutes to beat it, very fun

Took me a good 20 mins! Really cute, loved the pixel art


I loved your game, I played it on stream and I took forever to understand that i could double jump 

no edits required

My best "speedrun" right now is 7:37.36

I will admit, i could definitely do better.


yes, the game makes it when other people edit, it is possible, so you can do it without edits.


So this is just Furry Jump King?


>:) Furry dominance


imma make some areas IMPOSSIBLE to get to >:)





(2 edits) (+1)

gahh they really didd, ill try making it easier!!

(1 edit) (+1)

lol and I will come back and spend a few extra hours making them EXTRA hard to get to and make it so if you edit it it will become harder... maybe idk

(1 edit) (+1)

Nooo! D; don't ruin meh hard work);

Butthole move lol



very cute game! mastering the double jump in tandem with the standard jumps makes the later parts a bit too easy but very fun nonetheless. when i get to the end nothing happens? little wolf dissapears then i am just left with my unused bugs floating there. not sure if this is a bug or not.


The art is sooo cute and I'm amazed by the idle animations you managed to fit in despite the time constraints! The jump mechanics had me raging tho, ngl.... I would've had a much less frustrating time if left/right input were still accepted while mid-air during jump, because otherwise, aiming without accidentally knocking yourself into a platform and falling all the way down past 10+ min worth of efforts would be far less demoralizing. Overall, the art kept me from rage quitting, so... success? I certainly think so!


This was fun, player solidarity and the double jump made the latter parts a breeze!

I like the face Daisy makes when they spin.


he looks hella breedable :3



Deleted 4 days ago

She* And her name is Daisy.

dont let those artists find out about this... we know what they will do..


rule 34 exists sadly it WILL happen...

i know....    :(


Cool game

(1 edit) (+2)

Very fun game. :D Art style and animations are adorable. :3 And I love the soundtrack. Did you guys compose it yourselves? :)


rip off of ump lord

good game


silly little guy entranced me into playing this game. very good. please dont stop making games because silly little guy. thank you for your tim

REALLY cool game idea! I actually didn't do much block placing but had a great time trying to see if I could reach the end without adjusting the other player's work. There's SO much potential for a game where everyone can mess with the level like this!

what a good game (wooo yeah baby)

no se si es un bug o un gg? estoy muy confundido xd


good game, don't understand the ending tho

Controls are too odd. I cant understand how movement works while jumping. I like the graphics. cant make it past the first starting area haha. I'll give it another try sometime! I like the music. the jumping sounds seem a little loud. 

The thing is, movement does *not* work while jumping, just like real life. You can press a direction key while jumping, but once in the air, you cannot control direction of movement, it's set. The angle of take-off is determined by how long you press the spacebar, and the direction determined by the direction key you're holding when you are taking off


awful piece of shit game

Raging is understandable (because this game is designed after Jump king), but maybe you should try to learn the controls instead of swearing in the comments

(Reseñan en español)

El juego Es bueno ,si bien la idea de saltar de obstaculo a obstaculo ya es algo que se ah hecho antes el hecho de que puedas editar elemento des mapa para ya sea facilitar o dificultar a otros jugadores el escalar es Genial y una gran idea  y aun que para muchos suena una terrible idea ya que es obvio que habrá gente que busque hacerlo imposible el juego es siento yo la gracia de este juego ,superar lo imposible .

como calificacion le doy un 8/10 

si bien el juego es entretenido y bonito visualmente eh de mencionar que suelen haber problemas al momento de dar los saltos ,lo que hace aveces frustrante dar un salto a cualquier dirección ,fuera de eso es un buen juego.


Not played 5 minutes, but its like furry getting over it

 Great game :)

this a a very cool game! I loveeee the artwork :))


I forget to edit the map ;-;

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

I annihilated all of your obstacles, I expect you people to make this impossible for me next time. tsk tsk

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